12.4 Troubleshooting by Symptom
12.4.2 Cyclic transmission cannot be performed
12.4.2 Cyclic transmission cannot be performed
The following lists the actions to be taken if cyclic data are not delivered to the master or a slave station.
If the above actions do not solve the problem, perform the following tests on the master/local module to check for
hardware error.
• Hardware test ( Page 60, Section 6.2.1)
• Self-loopback test ( Page 62, Section 6.2.2)
Check item Action
Is the D LINK LED of the master or slave station on?
If the D LINK LED is flashing or off, perform troubleshooting.
( Page 239, Section 12.3 (3))
In the network configuration settings of the master station, is a
slave station specified as a reserved station?
Cancel the reserved station setting. ( Page 81, Section 7.3)
In the network configuration settings of the master station, is
"RX/RY Setting" or "RWw/RWr Setting" for slave stations
Set RX/RY or RWw/RWr data for each slave station within the allowable
range. ( Page 81, Section 7.3)
Do the station numbers set in the network configuration settings
of the master station match those set for corresponding slave
Correct station number (s).
Do the station types set in the network configuration settings of
the master station match those set for the connected slave
Check the station types set in "Network Configuration Setting" of the
master station.
Are the refresh parameters set within correct ranges?
Correct the refresh parameters. Link devices and link refresh assignment
can be confirmed in either of the following.
• Network Configuration Settings ( Page 81, Section 7.3)
• "Assignment Image" window ( Page 88, Section 7.5 (2))
Is any refresh target device in the refresh parameter window
overlapped with that of another network module?
Correct the refresh parameters. Overlap of a refresh target device can
be checked in the "Assignment Image" window through a programming
tool supported by the programmable controller used. ( Page 88,
Section 7.5 (2))
Is the station number of the master/local module duplicated with
any of the other stations?
Change the duplicated station number.