Gas Pipe Capacities (Up to 14” W.C. Gas Pressure through Schedule 40 Pipe)
Cubic Feet per Hour with Pressure Drop of 0.3” W.C.
Natural Gas - Specific Gravity - 0.60
Propane Gas - Specific Gravity - 1.50
Length Pipe Diameter
Of Pipe 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
(feet) Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane
10 132 83 278 175 520 328 1050 662 1600 1008 3050 1922
20 92 58 190 120 350 221 730 460 1100 693 2100 1323
30 73 46 152 96 285 180 590 372 890 561 1650 1040
40 63 40 130 82 245 154 500 315 760 479 1450 914
50 56 35 115 72 215 135 440 277 670 422 1270 800
60 50 32 105 66 195 123 400 252 610 384 1150 725
70 46 29 96 60 180 113 370 233 560 353 1050 662
80 43 27 90 57 170 107 350 221 530 334 990 624
90 40 25 84 53 160 101 320 202 490 309 930 586
100 38 24 79 50 150 95 305 192 460 290 870 548
125 34 21 72 45 130 82 275 173 410 258 780 491
150 31 20 64 40 120 76 250 158 380 239 710 447
Electrical Connections
1. Installation of wiring must conform with local building
codes, or in the absence of local codes, with the National
Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70 - Latest Edition. Unit must be
electri cally grounded in conformance to this code. In
Canada, wiring must comply with CSA C22.1, Part 1,
Electrical Code.
2. Two copies of the unit wiring diagram are provided with
each unit. One is located in the electrical junction box and
the other is suppled in the literature packet. Refer to this
diagram for all wiring connections.
3. Make sure all multi-voltage components (motors,
transform ers, etc.) are wired in accordance with the power
supply voltage.
4. The power supply to the unit must be protected with a
fused or circuit breaker switch.
5. The power supply must be within 10 percent of the voltage
rating and each phase must be balanced within 2 percent
of each other. If not, advise the utility company.
6. External electrical service connections that must be
installed include:
a. Supply power connection (120, 208, 240, 480, or 600
b. Connection of thermostats, summer/winter switches,
or any other accessory control devices that may be
supplied (24 volts).
NOTE: Propeller units supplied with 460/575 power will require
the use of a field step-down transformer. Refer to the serial
plate to determine the unit supply voltage required. Additional
information may be found in table 16.1 and in the step down
transformer installation instructions.
7. Refer to Figure 15.1 for the electrical junction box
8. All supply power electrical connections are made in the
electrical junction box of the unit. The low voltage
(thermostat and accessory control devices) can be wired
to the terminals on the electrical junction box. Refer to the
wiring diagram for the terminal location of all low voltage
1. Disconnect power supply before making wiring connections
to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage.
2. All appliances must be wired strictly in accordance with
wiring diagram furnished with the appliance. Any wiring
different from the wiring diagram could result in a hazard
to persons and property.
3. Any original factory wiring that requires replacement must
be replaced with wiring material having a temperature
rating of at least 105°C.
4. Ensure that the supply voltage to the appliance, as
indicated on the serial plate, is not 5% greater than rated
Table 8.1
Gas Pipe Capacities
1. Ensure that the supply voltage to the appliance, as
indicated on the serial plate, is not 5% less than the rated