setting, and 13-24 are accessed by the PATTERN switch in the MIDS
voicing setting. Using MIDI Program Change Messages values 0-23
accesses the MuRF patterns 1-24. This has no impact on the position of
the FREQ switch, so that using MIDI, you can use any of the 24 patterns
with either voicing, overriding the front panel PATTERN and FREQ
switch positions. Moving the PATTERN rotary switch or the FREQ
switch restores the MIDI MuRF to the state of those front panel controls.
The following MIDI MuRF parameters can be controlled with MIDI
CC messages:
ENVELOPE: CC1 (Mod Wheel). When the MF-105M receives a CC1
message on the MIDI channel that is assigned, the value of the CC1
message overrides the setting of the front panel ENVELOPE control and
any steady voltage at the ENVELOPE control input. Moving the front
panel ENVELOPE control or modifying a voltage at the ENVELOPE
control input restores this parameter to its front panel state.
DRIVE: CC2 (Foot Controller). When the MF-105M receives a CC2
message on the MIDI channel that is assigned, the value of the CC2
message overrides the setting of the front panel DRIVE control. Moving
the front panel DRIVE control restores this parameter to its front panel
LFO RATE/SWEEP: CC3. When the MF-105M receives a CC3 message
on the MIDI channel that is assigned, the value of the CC3 message
overrides any steady voltage present at the LFO/SWEEP input and shifts
the Filters’ frequencies based on the setting of the LFO ON/OFF switch.
When the LFO is ON, the rate of the LFO is changed as with the LFO/
SWEEP control input: .08 Hz to 20 Hz. When the LFO is OFF, CC3
Values shift the 8 lters’ frequencies.
OUTPUT: CC7 (Volume). When the MF-105M receives a CC7 message
on the MIDI channel that is assigned, the value of the CC7 message
overrides the setting of the front panel OUTPUT control. Moving the
front panel OUTPUT control restores this parameter to its front panel
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