19 Removing an air-cooled mechanical seal
(seal code 64)
Fig. 33
N.B.: This mechanical seal design is used for application
temperatures from 140 to 200°C and Multitec sizes 32 to 100.
The pumpshallonly becoupled toa motorwith enclosureIP55.
- Remove the bearing as described in sections and
- Remove O-ring 412.10.
- Pull off spacer sleeve 525.1.
- Loosen bolts 901.11.
- Remove bearing housing 350.1.
- Remove mechanicalseal cover 471.1 with the seat ring and
gasket 400.1.
- Remove key 940.5.
- Pull off sleeve 523.1 with the rotating assembly of
mechanical seal 433.7. (Two holes are provided in the
sleeve for engaging a puller.)
- Take off seal housing 441.4.
- Remove O-ring 412.4.
On between-bearings pumps (pump version C or D) the
mechanical seal shall be removed as follows:
- Remove screws 900.2 and hood 683.1.
- Undo axis 87-5 with fan impeller 831.1.
- The threaded insert 915 must remain in the shaft 210.
On previous versions (prior to 03/2002) and if
assembled in the factory, the fan shaft 87-5 was
fitted using Loctite 222.
On previous versions and when re-assembling,
secure fan shaft 87-5 and fan impeller 831.1 with
Loctite 222.
- Remove support 59-7.
- Remove the bearing as described in section as well
as spacer sleeve 525.1 and bearing housing 350.1.
Remove the mechanical seal as described above.
Fig. 34 Removing a water-cooled mechanical seal (seal
code 64)
Fig. 35
Note: This mechanical seal design is used for temperatures
from 140 to 200°C and sizes 125 and 150 (optional for sizes
32 to 100).
- Drain the pump and remove the circulation line at the
pipe union 731.15.
- Remove the rolling element bearing as described in sec-
tions and
- Remove O-ring 412.10.
- Pull off spacer sleeve 525.1.
- Undo nuts 920.3.
- Remove bearing housing 350.1.
- Remove mechanical seal cover 471.1 with the seat ring
and gasket 400.1.
- Remove key 940.5.
- Pull off sleeve 523.1 with the rotating assembly of mech-
anical seal 433.7. (Two holes are provided in the sleeve
for engaging a puller.)
- Remove cooling jacket 66-2.
- Take off seal housing 441.4.
- Remove O-ring 412.4. Removing a double-acting mechanical seal
Mechanicalseals intandemand back-to-back arrangementare
fitted as per customer specifications. There is a wide variety of
variants, types and brands. Please refer to the general
assembly drawing and the documentation supplied with the
pump for orientation.