Job Accounting
The job accounting utility enables
companies to breakdown machine usage
by user and bill back each department for
printing costs.
USB Print/Scan/Back-Up
With the USB host port you can easily
scan documents to, print document from,
and back-up machine settings on a USB
flash drive.
Document Storage & Retrieval
Frequently printed documents, including forms,
job applications and expense reports can be
digitally stored in the 80-GB hard disk drive for
instant recall and printing, without having to
initiate printing from a PC. Each user can set-up
their own document box on the MFP and require
authentication prior to accessing documents.
Paper Conservation
Innovative features such as duplex printing,
booklet mode, clone copy, outline erase, book copy
and image combination enable the creation of
professional looking output while reducing paper
Initiate Workflow
Digitally capture high-resolution color and
monochrome documents and route them
to e-mail addresses, collaboration software,
document management systems and desktop
file folders for viewing, storage and/or
Color Faxing
Utilize the high-resolution color scanner to
send fax documents in full color. (The receiving
machine must be able to receive color faxes.
Several Muratec models support this feature.)
ID Card Copy
Quickly copy both sides of an identification
card, such as a driver’s license or insurance
card, and produce the images on a single sheet
of paper.
Flexible Printing Support
The MFX-4555 & MFX-5555 Professional
Edition feature standard support for a
variety of Windows (2000, XP, Vista, 2003
and Windows 7), Mac OS (10.3 - 10.5) and
Linux (various) operating systems.
Mailing Solutions
Utilize the robust multipurpose bypass tray
to print on a variety of envelopes, letterhead
and labels.
Fax Routing & Archiving
Inbound fax documents can be routed to an
e-mail address or SMB folder to conserve
paper and increase security. A copy of each
outbound fax transmission can be sent to an
e-mail address, or SMB folder, to create an
audit trail of communication.