Icon: Is a graphic (picture form) representation of a particular
feature/function or program/file.
Incandescent light: These tungsten-halogen lights (house-
hold light bulbs) shine at a constant brightness and create a
warmer, yellowish caste.
Iris: A feature that allows varying degrees of light into the camera
by adjusting the size of the lens opening, increasing or decreasing the
amount of entering light.
LCD: A Liquid Crystal Display is a low-powered display that
uses rod shaped crystal molecules that change their orientation when
an electrical current passes through them. This allows you to display
and view your images.
LED: A Light Emitting Diode is a small electronic device that
emits light when a current flows through it. It signals you of a par-
ticular feature or function.
NTSC: A National Television Standards Committee television is
one that uses 525-line frames and displays full frames at 30 frames /
The following represents terms used throughout the manual, and
are defined here for your convenience.
Baud rate: Is the speed at which the computer and camera com-
municate with each other. It is sometimes necessary to decrease the
baud rate because the computer cannot process image information at
high speed.
Com port: Is the physical port in the back of the computer where
you can connect external devices such as digital cameras and mo-
Dialog box: An on-screen box that conveys or requires informa-
tion from the user.
Exposure: controls the amount of light (brightness) that appears
in a captured image.
Flash card: Is an optional external device that can be inserted into
the camera and allows you to store images.
(available in 2MB~32MB formats).
Fluorescent light: What makes this type of lighting differ-
ent is that it does not contain all the colors of the visible
spectrum and it flickers which causes it to appear greenish.