(Every-other-dot pattern)
Moiré Reduction
What is moiré?
Moiré refers to an interference pattern of dark wavy lines on the screen.
It is not a defect, but rather an interference phenomenon caused by the
relationship between the phosphor layout and the imaging signal. Moiré
is often an indication of a good focus level. Moiré is particularly
noticeable when using a light-gray or every-other-dot pattern back-
ground. Although moiré can not be eliminated, it can be reduced with
the moiré reduction feature.
Moiré can be reduced in a variety of ways.
1) Adjust with the ScreenManager’s moiré reduction function.
Adjust so that moiré becomes almost unnoticeable. Before adjusting, set
the desktop to an every-other-dot pattern (see picture above) so that
moiré will be visible. Following the adjustment, change to a different
desktop background to reduce moiré even further.
2) Change the horizontal and vertical dimensions.
Adjust the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the display area as
necessary to reduce moiré.
3) Change the selected desktop or wallpaper pattern.
Use the PC software to change the desktop or wallpaper pattern. Any
solid color pattern is recommended. For detailed information on how to
change these patterns, refer to the documentation for the PC and
operating system.
• The screen image may shake slightly while the ScreenManager moiré
reduction function is ON. Switching the function OFF will improve image
stability and clarity at the expense of slightly greater moiré.