Excessive flare-ups/uneven
Sear plates installed incorrectly. Ensure sear plates are installed with the holes towards the
front, and the slots on the bottom. See assembly instructions.
Improper pre-heating.
Pre-heat grill with both main burners on high for 10 to 15
Excessive grease and ash build
up on sear plates and in drip pan.
Clean sear plates and drip pan regularly. Do not line pan
with aluminum foil. Refer to cleaning instructions.
Burners burn with yellow
flame, accompanied by the
smell of gas.
Possible spider web or other
debris, or improper air shutter
Thoroughly clean burner by removing. See general
maintenance instructions. Open air shutter slightly according
to combustion air adjustment instructions.
Improper air shutter adjust-
Close air shutter slightly according to combustion air
adjustment instructions.
Flames lift away from
burner, accompanied by the
smell of gas, and possibly
difficulties in lighting.
Problem Possible Causes Solution
Burner will not light with the
igniter, but will light with a
Humming regulator. Normal occurence on hot days. This is not a defect. It is caused by internal vibrations in the
regulator, and does not affect the performance or safety of
the gas grill. Humming regulators will not be replaced.
Burners will not crosslight
each other.
Plugged ports along back of
Clean burner ports. See burner maintenance instructions.
"Paint" appears to be
peeling inside lid or hood.
Grease build up on inside
This is not a defect. The finish on the lid and hood is porcelain,
and will not peel. The peeling is caused by hardened grease,
which dries into paint-like shards, that will flake off. Regular
cleaning will prevent this. See cleaning instructions.
Dead battery / or installed
Replace with heavy duty 'AAA' battery. Install with positive
terminal up.
Loose electrode wire. Check that electrode wire is firmly pushed onto the terminal
on the back of the igniter.
Wrong replacement igniter. Two spark systems must use a two spark igniter.
Improper gap at electrode tip.
Ensure that the collector box is tight, and the gap between
the electrode end and the collector box is between 1/8 - 3/
16". The gap can be adjusted by bending the box in or out.
Lifting flames on burner. Close air shutter slightly - see previous problem.
Before contactingthe customerservice department,check theNAC website for moreextensive cleaning,maintenance, troubleshootingand part
replacement instructionsat www.napoleongrills.com. Contact thefactory directlyforreplacement parts andwarrantyclaims. The customerservice
departmentis availablebetween 9AMand 5PM(Eastern standardtime) at1-705-725-4258or faxat1-705-727-4282. Inorder toprocessa claim,we
must beprovided withthe followinginformation:
1. Modelandserial numberof theunit.
2.Part numberand description.
3.Aconcisedescription ofthe problem ('broken'is notsufficient).
4. Proofof purchase(photocopy of theinvoice).
In somecasesthe customerservicerepresentative mayrequest tohavethe partsreturnedto thefactory forinspection,before providingreplacement
parts. The partsmust beshipped prepaidto theattention ofthe customerservice departmentwith thefollowing information:
1. Modelandserial numberof theunit.
2.Aconcisedescription ofthe problem ('broken'is notsufficient).
3. Proofof purchase(photocopy of theinvoice).
4. ReturnAuthorization number- providedby thecustomerservice representative.
Before contactingcustomer service,kindly notethat thefollowing itemsare not coveredby thewarranty:
-costs fortransportation, brokerageor exportduties
-labor costsfor removalandre-installation
-costs for servicecalls todiagnose problems
-discoloration ofstainless steelparts
-part failuredue tolack ofcleaningand maintenance,or useof impropercleaners (ovencleaner).