Starter uid can be used to light the charcoal, but it is not the preferred method. It can be messy and may
leave a chemical taste on the food if not completely burned o prior to cooking. Once lit, never add addional
starter uid to the grill. Store the bole at least, 25 (7.6m) away from the grill when operang.
Charcoal Starter Safe Operang Pracces
• For outdoor use only.
• Do not use the Charcoal Starter unless it is placed on a rm, level charcoal grate
and the charcoal grill is on a rm, level, non-combusble surface.
• Do not place the Charcoal Starter on any combusble surface unless the Charcoal
Starter is completely cool.
• Do not use lighter uid, gasoline or self lighng charcoal in the Charcoal Starter.
• Only use the Charcoal Starter to light charcoal for charcoal grills.
• Always wear protecve gloves when handling the Charcoal Starter.
• Keep children and pets away from the Charcoal Starter at all mes.
• Do not use the Charcoal Starter in high winds.
• Do not leave the Charcoal Starter unaended while in use.
• Do not lean over the Charcoal Starter when lighng.
• Never use the Charcoal Starter for other than intended use. Do not use the Charcoal Starter to prepare
• Use extreme cauon when pouring hot coals out of the Charcoal Starter.
Using the Charcoal Starter
• Turn the Charcoal Starter upside down.
• Crumple two full sheets of newspaper and stu them into the boom of the Charcoal Starter.
• Turn the Charcoal Starter right side up and place it in the centre of the charcoal grate.
• Add appropriate amount of charcoal but do not over ll.
• Light a match, and insert into one of the boom air vents to ignite the newspaper.
• When the top layer of charcoal has a light coang of grey ash, wearing protecve gloves carefully pour the
hot charcoal onto the charcoal grate (direct cooking method) or place into the charcoal baskets (indirect
• Once the hot charcoal is placed into the grill, spread the charcoal out evenly using tongs with long heat
resistant handles.