WARNING! Failure to follow these instrucons could result in property damage, personal injury or
death. Read and follow all warnings and instrucons in this manual prior to operang grill.
Safe Operang Pracces
• Read the enre instrucon manual before operang the grill.
• Under no circumstance should this grill be modied.
• Follow lighng instrucons carefully when operang grill.
• Do not light charcoal with lid closed.
• Do not lean over grill when lighng.
• Do not use gasoline, alcohol, or other highly volale uids to ignite charcoal. Use ONLY charcoal
starter uid approved for lighng charcoal. Make sure that any uids that have drained through the
boom of the grill are removed before lighng the charcoal.
• Charcoal starter uid should never be added to hot or even warm coals.
• Aer use and before lighng, charcoal starter uid should be capped and stored a safe distance away
from the grill, at least 25 (7.6m).
• Keep children and pets away from hot grill, DO NOT allow children to climb inside cabinet.
• Do not leave the grill unaended while in use.
• Do not move grill when hot or operang.
• This grill must not be installed in or on recreaonal vehicles and/or boats.
• This grill must only be stored outdoors in a well-venlated area and must not be used inside a
building, garage, screened in porch, gazebo or any enclosed area.
• Maintain proper clearance to combusbles, 5 (1.5m) to all sides. This clearance is also
near vinyl siding or panes of glass. The grill must not be used on combusble
surfaces (wooden or composite decks or porches).
• At all mes keep the venlaon openings of the enclosure free and clear from debris.
• Do not operate unit under any combusble construcon.
• Do not operate this grill under any overhead construcon such as roof coverings, carports, awnings or
• Do not locate in windy sengs. High winds adversely aect the cooking performance of the grill.
• The lid is to be closed during the preheat period.
• The ash/grease tray must be in place when using the grill.
• Clean the ash/grease tray regularly to avoid build-up, which may lead to grease res.
• Do not use the side shelves to store lighters, matches or any other combusbles.
• The grill should be on level ground at all mes.
• Do not use water to control are-ups or exnguish coals, as it may damage your grill’s nish.
• To control are-ups, slightly close the vents on your grill. To completely exnguish coals/re, close all
vents and lid completely.
• Use proper grilling tools with long, heat-resistant handles.
• Use barbecue mis or hot pads to protect hands while cooking or adjusng the vents.
• Do not remove ashes from grill unl all charcoal is completely burned out and fully exnguished.
Allow ample me to cool.
• Remaining coal and ashes are to be removed from grill and stored in a non-combusble metal
container. Allow to remain in metal container 24 hours before disposing of.
• Keep electrical supply cords away from water or heated surfaces.
• California Proposion 65: The burning of charcoal creates by-products, some of which are on the
list as substances known by the State of California to cause cancer or reproducve harm. When
cooking with charcoal, always ensure adequate venlaon to the unit, to minimize exposure to such