NAPOLEON gas grills are manufactured under the strict Standard of the world recognized
ISO 9001-2000 Quality Assurance Certificate.
NAPOLEON products are designed with superior components and materials, and are assembled by trained
craftsmen who take great pride in their work. The burner and valve assembly are leak tested and test-fired at a
quality test station, and thoroughly inspected by a qualified technician before packaging and shipping to ensure
that you, the customer, receive the quality product you expect from NAPOLEON.
"NAPOLEONwarrants itsproductsagainst manufacturingdefectsto theoriginal purchaseronly (ie.,the individualor legalentity (registeredcustomer) whosename
appears onthe warrantyregistration cardfiled withNAPOLEON), providedthat thepurchase wasmade throughan authorizedNAPOLEON dealerand issubject to
thefollowing conditionsandlimitations:"
Thisfactory warrantyisnon-transferable andmaynot beextendedwhat-so-ever byanyof ourrepresentatives.
The gasgrill mustbe installed by alicenced, authorizedservice technicianor contractor. Installationmust bedone in accordancewith theinstallationinstructions
included withthe productand alllocal andnational building andfire codes.
This limitedwarranty doesnot coverdamages causedby misuse,lack ofmaintenance, greasefires, hostileenvironments,accident, alterations,abuse orneglect
and parts installed fromother manufacturerswillnullify thiswarranty.
This limitedwarrantyfurther doesnot coverany scratches,dents,painted finishes,corrosion ordiscolouring byheat, abrasiveand chemicalcleaners, norchipping
on porcelainenamel parts,nor anycomponentsused in theinstallationof the gasgrill.
Should deteriorationofparts occurtothe degreeof non-performancewithin theduration ofthe warrantedcoverage,a replacementpartwill beprovided.
In thefirstyear only,this warrantyextends tothe replacementof warrantedpartswhich aredefective inmaterial orworkmanship providedthat theproduct hasbeen
operatedin accordancewith theoperationinstructions andundernormal conditions.
Afterthe first year,with respect tothis President's LimitedLifetime Warranty NAPOLEONmay,at itsdiscretion, fullydischarge all obligationswith respectto this
warrantyby refundingtothe originalwarranted purchaserthewholesale priceofany warrantedbutdefective part(s).
NAPOLEONwill notberesponsible fortheinstallation,labouror anyothercostsorexpenses relatedtothe re-installation ofawarranted part, andsuch
expensesarenotcovered bythiswarranty.
Notwithstandingany provisioncontained inthis President'sLimited LifetimeWarrantyNAPOLEON's responsiblityunder thiswarranty isdefined asabove andit
shall notinany eventextend toany incidental, consequential,or indirectdamages.
This warrantydefines theobligation andliability of NAPOLEONwith respectto theNAPOLEON gasgrill and anyother warrantiesexpressed orimplied withrespect
to thisproduct,its components oraccessories areexcluded.
NAPOLEON neitherassumes, nor authorizesany thirdparty toassume, onits behalf,any other liabilitieswith respectto the saleof thisproduct. NAPOLEON will
not beresponsiblefor: overfiring, blowoutscaused byenvironmental conditionssuchas strongwinds, orinadequate ventilation,
Any damagesto thegas grill dueto weatherdamage, hail, roughhandling, damagingchemicals or cleanerswill notbe theresponsibility of NAPOLEON.
The billof sale orcopy will berequired together witha serial numberand a modelnumber when makingany warranty claimsfrom NAPOLEON. The warranty
registrationcard mustbereturnedwithin fourteendaysto registerthewarrantyor youcanregister on-lineatwww.napoleongrills.com.
NAPOLEONreserves theright tohave itsrepresentativeinspect anyproduct orpartprior tohonouring anywarrantyclaim.
NAPOLEONshall notbe liablefor anytransportationcharges, labourcosts, orexportduties.
NAPOLEON warrants the following materials and workmanship in your new NAPOLEON gas grill against
defects for as long as you own the gas grill. This covers: aluminum castings (excluding paint), SOLIDO
shelves, wheels, knobs, stainless steel burners, stainless steel lid inserts, and lid handles. Subject to the
following conditions. During the first five years NAPOLEON will provide replacement parts at our option free
of charge. From the sixth year to lifetime NAPOLEON will provide replacement parts at 50% of the current
retail price.
Components such as stainless steel sear plates, porcelain enamelled cooking grids, temperature gauges and
brass valves are covered and NAPOLEON will provide parts free of charge during the first two years of the
limited warranty.
Components such as regulators, casters, warming racks, hoses and connectors, igniters (excluding
batteries), fasteners and accessories are covered and NAPOLEON will provide parts free of charge during the
first year of the limited warranty.
NAPOLEON shall not be liable for any transportation charges, labour costs or export duties.