Chapter 5 Automotive Diagnostic Command Set API for LabVIEW
© National Instruments Corporation 5-67 Automotive Diagnostic Command Set User Manual
diag ref out is a copy of diag ref in. You can wire it to subsequent
diagnostic VIs.
data out returns application-specific output parameters from the routine.
success? indicates successful receipt of a positive response message for
this diagnostic service.
error out describes error conditions. If the error in cluster indicated an
error, the error out cluster contains the same information. Otherwise,
error out describes the error status of this VI.
status is TRUE if an error occurred.
code is the error code number identifying an error. A value of 0
means success. A negative value means error: the VI did not
execute the intended operation. A positive value means warning:
the VI executed intended operation, but an informational warning
is returned. For a description of the code, wire the error cluster to
a LabVIEW error-handling VI, such as the Simple Error
source identifies the VI where the error occurred.
This VI starts a routine in the ECU memory. The routine in the ECU starts after the positive
response message is sent. The routine stops until StopRoutineByLocalIdentifier.vi is
issued. The routines could be either tests run instead of normal operating code or routines
enabled and executed with the normal operating code running. In the first case, you may need
to switch the ECU to a specific diagnostic mode using StartDiagnosticSession.vi or unlock
the ECU using the SecurityAccess service prior to using StartRoutineByLocalIdentifier.vi.
For further details about this service, refer to the ISO 14230-3 standard.