www.netcomm.com.au Rev. 1- YML674
Page 50 NB1300Plus4 ADSL Modem
The NAT Configuration page allows the user to set the configuration for the Network Address
Translation. The default setting is Dynamic NAPT. It provides dynamic
Network Address Translation capability between LAN and multiple WAN connections, the
LAN traffic is routed to appropriate WAN connections based on the destination IP addresses
and Route Table. This eliminates the need for the static NAT session configuration between
multiple LAN clients and multiple WAN connections.
When the Dynamic NAPT is chosen, there is no need to configure the NAT Session and NAT
Session Name Configuration.
The NAT option only maps single WAN IP address to the local PC IP address. It is peer to-peer
mapping. (1x1) For each WAN interface, only one local PC IP address can be associated with
each WAN interface. Click the link Session Name Configuration to add the session name for
WAN interface.
The NAPT option maps the single WAN IP addresses to many local PCs IP addresses. (1xN). It
is the multiple-mapping mechanism. For each WAN Interface, more than one local PC can be
associated with one WAN Interface. Click the link Session Name Configuration to add the
session name for WAN interface.
Session Name: This field allows the user to enter his/her own session Name to distinguish
different NAT session for different interfaces among different PPP sessions and different
Interface: This field allows the user to choose specific WAN Interface (PVC or PPP
Session) for NAT Session.