V85 Desktop VoIP Phone User Guide 33
YML772 Rev1
Configuring Call Forward using Web Configuration
Logon to the V85 Web-based Configuration screens and click on the “SIP” icon in the left
banner. Go to the Call Forward section and select the function you wish to enable.
Field Description
Immediate Forward Check the Immediate box and enter the immediate
forward number in the field. For example, if user A’s
phone has Immediate checked with the number set to
555-5555, then all incoming calls for A’s phone will
be forwarded to number 555-5555 immediately.
Note: When the “immediate forward” is enabled, the “busy forward” and “no
answer forward” cannot be enabled at the same time.
Busy Forward Check the Busy box and enter the Busy forward
number in the field. For example, if user A’s phone
has Busy checked with the number set to 555-5555,
then incoming calls for A’s phone will be forwarded
to number 555-5555 if A’s phone is currently busy.
No Answer Forward Check the No Answer box and enter the no answer
forward number and time in the field supplied. For
example, if user A’s phone is receiving an incoming
call and has No Answer checked with number 555-
5555 and the no-answer time equals 10, then this
phone call will be forwarded to number 555-5555 if
it is not answered for 10 seconds.
Configuring Call Forward using the Keypad
Immediate Forward
MENU ► Configure ► Forward Mode ► (Yes/No) Immediate
Under the “Forward Mode” submenu, you are able to enter an immediate forward by
selecting “Yes” on “(Yes / No) Immediate” option and inputting the forward-to phone
number. For example, if user A’s phone has “Yes” on “(Yes / No) Immediate” set to number
555-5555, then all incoming calls for A’s phone will be forwarded to number 555-5555
Note: When the “immediate forward” is enabled, the “busy forward” and “no
answer forward” cannot be enabled at the same time.
Busy Forward
MENU ► Configure ► Forward Mode ► (Yes/No) Busy
Under “Forward mode” submenu, you are able to setup for calls to be forwarded when
phone is busy by selecting “Yes” on “(Yes / No) Busy” and inputting the forward-to phone
number. For example, if user A’s phone has “Yes” on “(Yes / No) Busy” with number 555-
5555, then incoming calls for A’s phone will be forwarded to number 555-5555 if A’s phone
is currently busy.