Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Note: You can bypass any type of web blocking for trusted hosts by adding
the exact matching domain names to the trusted host list (see Specify
Trusted Hosts for HTTPS Scanning on page 235). Access to the
domains on the trusted host list is allowed for computers in the groups
for which file extension, keyword, object, or category blocking, or a
combination of these types of web blocking has been enabled.
Note: You can bypass any type of web blocking for trusted URLs by adding
the URLs to the whitelist (see Configure Web URL Filtering on
page 224). Access to the URLs on the whitelist is allowed for
computers in the groups for which file extension, keyword, object, or
category blocking, or a combination of these types of web blocking
has been enabled.
To configure web content filtering:
1. Select Application Security > HTTP/HTTPS > Content Filtering. The Content Filtering
screen displays. Because of the large size of this screen, it is presented in this manual
in three figures (the following figure, Figure 120 on page 220, and Figure 121 on
page 221).
Figure 119. Content filtering, screen 1 of 3