
10-82 User’s Reference Guide
You must enter an Encryption Key or keys if the Encryption Transform is DES. The key must be a
hexadecimal entry of eight bytes (16 bytes of input). No key entry appears if the encryption transform is
You must specify an Authentication Type. The default is ESP, and the choices are ESP, None, or AH. ESP
provides confidentiality over the IP payload and optional authentication of the IP payload and ESP header.
AH (Authentication Header) provides authentication over the immutable parts of the IP header, AH header
and the IP payload. ESP is preferred.
You must specify an Authentication Transform if the Authentication Type is anything other than None. The
default is HMAC-MD5-96, and the choices are HMAC-MD5-96 or HMAC-SHA1-96 for both AH and ESP.
You must specify an Authentication Key if the Authentication Type is anything other than None. The key
must be an ASCII string of up to 48 characters for both HMAC-MD5-96 and HMAC-SHA1-96.
Key: The key is a hexadecimal entry of 16 bytes (32 characters of input) for MD5 and 20 bytes (40
characters of input) for SHA1. It is not possible to view the Encryption Keys or Authentication Key once they
have been set.
You can specify a Compression Type. The default is None.
Press COMMIT to return to the Add Connection Profile screen.
Note: The Connection Profile is copied to a temporary buffer while it is being modified. Only when the COMMIT
button is selected will the profile be updated and the changes applied. This is true of all profiles regardless of
encapsulation type.
Select IP Profile Parameters.
IPsec Encryption & Authentication Options
Encryption Transform... DES
Encryption Key 1:
Encryption Key 2:
Encryption Key 3:
Authentication Type... ESP
Authentication Transform... HMAC-MD5-96
Authentication Key: ********************************
Compression Type... None