Scan Image Enhancer
Perform automatic brightness, color, and
contrast adjustment.
Scanner Extras
Control features specifi c to the type of scan-
ner currently connected.
• Multi Sample Scanning
Use this feature to reduce noise.
• Scan Bit Depth
Choose a bit depth of sixteen or eight bits.
Digital ICE
Advanced (Digital ICE
quad Advanced)
Digital ICE
Digital ICE will not produce the desired results with monochrome fi lm (unless developed in color).
Kodachrome Film
When scanning Kodachrome fi lm in the 9000 ED, select Kodachrome in the fi lm type menu.
Four tools are available:
• Digital ICE: mitigate the effects of dust and
• Digital ROC: restore faded colors
• Digital GEM: reduce the effects of fi lm grain
Digital DEE: increase detail in under- or over-
exposed areas of the frame
Analog Gain
Adjust exposure values for each of the col-
ored elements in the scanner’s light source.