Overview Appendices
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Using Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro 2
Camera Controls 10/18
The Mechanical Tab
Displays the focal length and maximum ap er ture of the lens currently at-
tached to the cam era. De pend ing on the lens type, some in for ma tion may
not be displayed. If the lens focal length or maximum aperture have been
specifi ed manually, an asterisk will appear next to these values. If a D3 or
D300 is connected with a non-CPU lens attached, lens data can be select-
D3 D2 series
This button is only available when a non-
CPU lens is mounted on the camera. Click-
ing Edit… displays the dialog shown at right,
where the lens focal length and maximum
aperture can be entered. Click OK to copy
the values to the camera.
Main Battery Level
Displays the level of the main camera battery. Green indicates that the bat-
tery has enough charge for continued operation. Yellow indicates that bat-
tery level is low; ready a fully charged spare battery pack. Red indicates that
the battery is exhausted, and that no further pho to graphs can be taken until
the battery pack has been replaced. You may not be able to control the
camera from Camera Control Pro when the battery is exhausted. Replace
with a fully charged spare battery pack or use an AC adapter (available sepa-
Clock Battery Level
D1 series
Displays the level of the camera clock battery. Should this display turn yel-
low or red, have the clock battery replaced by an authorized Nikon service
representative (a fee is charged for this service).
Self-Timer and Remote Modes
When a D3, D2-series, D300, D200, D100, D80, D70-series, D50, or D40-series camera is set to self-
timer mode, or when a D80, D70-series, D50, or D40-series camera is set to delayed remote or quick-
response remote mode, the Mechanical tab will show a shooting mode of Single, and any photo-
graphs taken with the Camera Control Pro shoot but tons will be taken in single-frame mode with no
shutter-release delay. To take pictures in self-timer or remote mode, use the shutter-release button
on the camera or remote control.
Live View
D3 D300
When the camera release mode dial is set to Lv, the Mechanical tab will show a shooting mode of
Single, and any photographs taken with the Camera Control Pro shoot buttons will be taken in
single-frame mode. To take pictures in live view mode, use the live view options in the Camera