
Play Mode
Alters the play mode of the playlist. Touch
the key of the mode you wish to apply. The
modes change the play pattern as follows:
Normal - no play pattern is applied.
1Album Repeat -the songsin thecurrent
album are repeated.
1 Track Repeat - the current track is re-
1 Album Random - the songs in the cur-
rent album are played randomly.
All Random - all songs are played ran-
Edit Music Information
Edits the information of the songs in the
Music Library.
Edit Information of Current Song
Edit Information by Album
Update Gracenote from USB Device
Transfer Missing Titles to USB
Update Gracenote from HDD
The “Transfer Missing Titles to USB” and “Up-
date Gracenote from HDD”options can be used
to update the titles of songs in the Music Library.
Visit www.nissanusa.com/gracenote for detailed
instructions on how to update the Gracenote
LHA1288 LHA1289
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-75