Post items to the web from your PC
1. In the time line or favourites, select the items (a
maximum of 50) that you want to post to the
2. Select File > Post to the Web....
3. Enter a title and a caption for the post. You can
also write a longer story or description in the
body text field.
4. Select the weblog that you want to use from the
Post to: list.
5. When everything is ready, click Send.
Import items
In addition to the .jpg images of your device, you
can also import .jpg images and .3gp and .mp4
video clips, .amr sound files, and .txt text files from
other sources (such as a compatible CD or DVD, or
folders on the hard disk of your compatible PC) into
Nokia Lifeblog.
To import images or videos from a compatible PC to
Nokia Lifeblog for PC, do the following:
1. In the time line or favourites view, select File >
Import from PC....
2. Browse the list to find the image or video file, or
sound or text file from the list, or navigate to
other folders to find the file that you want to
import. Use the Look in list to browse other
drives or appliances.
3. Select a folder, file, or several files. You can view
their content in the preview pane.
4. To import the folder (including subfolders) or
the selected files, click Open.
Activation keys
To view the digital rights activation keys stored in
your device, press , and select Applications >
Media > Actv. keys.
Digital rights management
Content owners may use different types of digital
rights management (DRM) technologies to protect
their intellectual property, including copyrights.
This device uses various types of DRM software to
access DRM-protected content. With this device you
can access content protected with WMDRM 10, OMA
DRM 1.0, and OMA DRM 2.0. If certain DRM software
fails to protect the content, content owners may ask
that such DRM software's ability to access new DRM-
protected content be revoked. Revocation may also
prevent renewal of such DRM-protected content
already in your device. Revocation of such DRM
software does not affect the use of content
protected with other types of DRM or the use of non-
DRM-protected content.
Media folder