
Watch your progress with the program display,
the training zone display, and the LED displays.
The program
the manual mode
or the iFit.com
mode is selected,
the program dis-
play will show a
track representing 1/4 mile. As you exercise, the
indicators around the track will light in sequence
until the entire track is lit. A new lap will then begin.
The training zone
displayÑAs you
exercise, the train-
ing zone display
will show the
approximate inten-
sity level of your
exercise. For example, if four, five, or six indicators
in the display are lit (refer to the drawing above),
the display shows that your intensity level is ideal
for fat burning.
The left LED dis-
playÑAs you
exercise, the left
display will show
the elapsed time
and the current
resistance level.
The display will change from one number to the
other every six seconds, as shown by the indica-
tors around the display. Note: When a program is
selected, the left display will show the time
remaining in the program, the time remaining in
the current segment of the program, and the cur-
rent resistance level.
Note: If you stop exercising for six seconds or
longer, the console will pause and the left LED
display will begin to flash.
The center LED
displayÑAs you
exercise, the cen-
ter display will
show your current
speed, the ramp
angle, and the dis-
tance you have traveled. The display will change
from one number to the next every six seconds,
as shown by the indicators around the display.
Note: Speed and distance can be shown in
either miles or kilometers. To select the
desired unit of measurement, refer to page 18.
The right LED dis-
playÑAs you exer-
cise, the right dis-
play will show the
approximate num-
ber of calories you
have burned. This
display will also show your heart rate when the
pulse sensor is used (see step 7).
Measure your heart rate, if desired.
Note: If the metal contacts on the top and bot-
tom of the pulse sensor are covered with
clear vinyl strips, peel off the strips before
using the pulse sensor.
To measure
your heart rate,
place your
hands on the
metal contacts
on the pulse
sensor. Your
palms must be
resting on the
upper contacts and your fingers must be touching
the lower contacts. Avoid moving your hands.
When your pulse is detected, the heart rate indi-
cator above the right LED display will light, one to
three dashes will appear in the display, and then
your heart rate will be shown. For the most accu-
rate heart rate reading, continue to hold the con-
tacts for about 15 seconds. Note: If your heart rate
is not shown, make sure that your hands are
positioned as described above. Be careful not to
move your hands excessively or squeeze the
metal contacts too tightly.
Note: When you use the pulse sensor, the right
display will show your heart rate for up to two
minutes. If you continue to hold the pulse sensor,
the display will show your heart rate along with
the number of calories you have burned.
When you are finished exercising, turn off the
To turn off the power, simply wait for about ten
minutes. The console has an Òauto-offÓ feature.
If the console buttons are not pressed and the
pedals are not moved for ten minutes, the
console will turn off automatically.
Note: If the displays and indicators remain lit
after ten minutes, the console may be in the
ÒdemoÓ mode. Refer to the instructions on
page 18 to turn off the demo mode.