MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1 11
Thank you for purchasing a NovAtel GPSCard product.
Whether you have bought a stand alone GPSCard or a packaged receiver you will have also received companion
documents to this manual. They will help you get the hardware operational. Afterwards, this text will be your
primary MiLLennium GPSCard command and logging reference source.
The MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual describes each command and log that the MiLLennium
GPSCard is capable of accepting or outputting. Sufficient detail is provided so that you can understand the
purpose, syntax, and structure of each command or log and be able to effectively communicate with the GPSCard,
thus enabling the developer to effectively use and write custom interfacing software for specific needs and
applications. The manual is organized into chapters which allow easy access to appropriate information about the
This manual does not address in detail any of the GPSCard hardware attributes or installation information. Please
consult the appropriate companion manual for hardware or system technical specifications information.
Furthermore, should you encounter any functional, operational, or interfacing difficulties with the GPSCard,
consult the appropriate hardware manual for NovAtel warranty and customer support information.
As this reference manual is focused on the GPSCard commands and logging protocol, it is necessary to ensure that
the GPSCard has been properly installed and powered up according to the instructions outlined in the companion
hardware manual before proceeding.
To use your NovAtel GPS receiver effectively, you should be familiar with the Global Positioning System (
as it applies to positioning, navigation, and surveying applications. For your reference Appendix A of this manual
provides an overview of the Global Positioning System.
This manual covers the full performance capabilities of all MiLLennium GPSCards. Every MiLLennium can be
upgraded through a family of firmware models, each having unique features. Therefore, depending on the software
configuration of your MiLLennium, certain commands and logs may not be accessible. Feature-tagging symbols
have been created to help clarify which commands and logs are only available with a certain option:
RTK Features available only with MiLLennium GPSCards equipped with the RT-20 or RT-2 option
WAAS Features available only on MiLLennium GPSCards equipped with the WAAS option
What’s New In Version 4.50?
1. RTCM Types 18 & 19, or RTCM Type 22, are now supported with Type 3 for reference position.
2. It is also possible to send and receive CMR messages.
3. Two new Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) commands, WAASCORRECTION and
IONOMODEL, enable the use of the WAAS corrections in the position filter. By default these features
are disabled.
4. A new WAAS log, WALA/B, provides WAAS satellite-specific data.