© 2002 Design, 2011 Doc. No. 12-5259-r01 (7/21/11)
DECO STOP MAIN, information includes (Fig. 28) -
> Stop Time (hr:min) with STOP icon.
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> Stop Depth with STOP and FT (or M) icons.
> NX, CF, DSAT (or Z+), icons - those that apply.
> Full TLBG.
• B (< 2 sec) to access ALT 1.
DECO STOP ALT 1, information includes (Fig. 29) -
> TAT* (hr:min) with TAT icon.
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
• B (< 2 sec) to access ALT 2.
• Revert to Main in 5 sec, if B not pressed.
*TAT is Total Ascent Time which includes calculated Times at all required Deco Stops plus vertical Ascent Time to the surface based on the
max ascent rate allowed.
DECO STOP ALT 2, information includes (Fig. 30) -
> Elapsed Dive Time (hr:min) with EDT icon.
> Max Depth with FT (or M) MAX icons.
• B (< 2 sec) to access ALT 3 (if Nitrox).
• Revert to Main in 5 sec, if B isnot pressed.
DECO STOP ALT 3 (if Nitrox), information includes (Fig. 31) -
> O2 saturation (accumulation) with O2% icon.
> Current PO2 value (ATA) with PO2 icon.
> FO2 Set Point with FO2 and NX icons.
• 5 sec or B (< 2 sec) to revert to Main.
Upon ascent above the required Deco Stop Depth, operation will enter CV during which no off gassing credit will be given.
While above the Sop, the graphic DOWN alternates with the Stop Time digits while the Stop Depth digits flash (Fig. 32).
If you descend deeper than the required Deco Stop before 5 minutes elapse, Deco operation will continue with no off gassing
credit given for time above the Stop. Instead, for each minute above the Stop 1-1/2 minutes of penalty time will be added to
required Stop Time.
> The added penalty (Deco) time will have to be worked off before obtaining off gassing credit.
> Once the penalty time is worked off, and off gassing credit begins, required Deco Stop Depths and Time will decrease
toward zero. The TLBG will recede into the No Deco zone and operation will revert to No Deco mode.
If you remain shallower than a Deco Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes, operation will enter DV 1* which is a continuation of
CV with penalty time still being added.
The graphic DOWN will alternate with Stop Time while the full TLBG and Stop Depth digits flash (Fig. 33), until descent is made
to below the Stop Depth indicated.
*The difference is that 5 minutes after surfacing from the dive, operation will now enter Violation Gauge Mode.
After 5 minutes on the surface following a DV1, operation enters Violation Gauge Mode.
If the calculated Deco obligation requires a Stop Depth between 60 FT (18 M) and 70 FT (21 M), operation will enter DV 2.
The full TLBG and Stop Depth digits will flash (Fig. 34) for 10 seconds.
After 5 minutes on the surface following a DV2, operation enters Violation Gauge Mode.
Fig. 29 - DECO STOP ALT 1
Fig. 30 - DECO STOP ALT 2
Fig. 31 - DECO STOP ALT 3
Fig. 32 - CV MAIN
Fig. 34 - DV2 MAIN
Fig. 33 - DV1 MAIN
CV, DV1, & DV2 ALTs are
similar to those for Deco.