© 2002 Design, 2011 Doc. No. 12-5216-r02 (9/6/11)
Time to Fly is a countdown timer that begins counting down from 23:50 to 0:00 (hr:min) 10 minutes after surfacing from a dive
FLY, information includes (Fig. 37):
> Time to Fly countdown (hr:min), - : - - if no dive yet, 0:00 if time has elapsed.
> Graphic FLY.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward to DSAT if NORM, or LOG if GAUG.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to ALT 3 if Nitrox, or ALT 2 if Air or GAUG.
Time to Desaturate (Dsat Time) is also a countdown timer. It is calculated time for tissue desaturation at sea level.
Beginning 10 minutes after surfacing from a NORM or FREE dive, it counts down from a maximum of 23:50 to 0:00 (hr:min).
Dsat requiring more than 24 hours will display 24HR until it decreases to 23:59.
After a FREE dive, access to the DSAT screen can be gained by first accessing the NORM Mode.
After a violation dive, 3 dashes ( - - - ) will be displayed in place of countdown time.
> When other screens are accessed, the DSAT time continues to countdown in the background.
> In the event that time to desaturate still remains at the end of 24 hours, any remaining time will be cleared.
We do not go beyond 24 hours since there is not a realistic set of repetitive dive profiles on SCUBA for which the 480 minute tissue exceeds 8 FSW, which clears
at 24 hours. All other tissues with a half time of 160 minutes or less will have desaturated in less than 12 hours.
DSAT, information includes (Fig. 38):
> Time to Desaturate (hr:min), - : - - if no dive yet, 0:00 if no time remaining.
> Graphic DSAT.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward to PLAN.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to FLY.
Dive time calculations in Plan Mode are based on -
> the algorithm selected (DSAT or PZ+).
> the FO2 value set for Gas 1, the default used for Plan.
> the setting for the Conservative Factor (Off or On*).
> any residual nitrogen remaining, or oxygen accumulation, from previous dives (NORM or FREE)
*When the Conservative Factor is set On, Dive times are reduced to the values of the next higher 3000 foot (915 meter) Altitude. Refer to tables in back.
Plan Lead-in, information includes (Fig. 39A, B):
> (PZ+) icon if selected, no icon if DSAT.
> Graphic PLAN.
> CF icon, if set On.
> Graphic AIR, or PO2 alarm value set (ATA) with PO2 and NX icons if Nitrox.
> Gas 1 FO2 Set Point, 21 to 100 (%), with FO2 icon, if Nitrox.
> Gas 1 (tank) icon, default for Plan.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward to Log.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to DSAT.
• S (< 2 sec) - to access PDPS.
PDPS (Pre Dive Planning Sequence)
The PDPS displays Depths and allowable Dive Times (up to 999 minutes), NDLs (No Deco limits) if nitrogen loading is in control
or OTLs (O2 limits) if oxygen accumulation is in control.
PDPS screens will display Depths from 30 to 190 FT (9 to 57 M) with Plan times* based upon the previous dive profiles in a
series of repetitive dives and taking into account descent and ascent rates of 60 FPM (18 MPM).
*If less then 1 minute time is available, dashes will be displayed for time, and Depth values will flash.
PDPS, information includes (Fig. 40A, B):
> Plan Depth value with FT (or M) icon.
> Dive Time allowed with NDC (or O2) and min icons.
> Graphic AIR, or Gas 1 FO2 Nitrox Set Point (21 to 100) with FO2 icon.
> Gas 1 (tank) icon, default for Plan.
> NX, (PZ+), CF icons - if they apply.
Fig. 37 - TIME TO FLY
(beginning 10 min after dives)
Fig. 38 - TIME TO DSAT
(FO2 Gas 1 set for Air)
(FO2 Gas 1 set for Nitrox)
Fig. 40B - PDPS
(FO2 Gas 1 set for Nitrox)
Fig. 40A - PDPS
(FO2 Gas 1 set for Air)