© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
DECO STOP ALT 3, information includes (Fig. 84) -
> Current O2 saturation with graphics % O2 SAT.
> Graphic GAS - 1 (or 2, 3, 4), the one currently in use.
> FO2 setting for the Gas in use with icon.
> Current PO2 value (ATA) with icon.
> Nx icon.
• A (< 2 sec) - to revert to Main.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back to ALT 2.
• Revert to Main in 10 seconds, if A is not pressed.
• L (< 2 sec) - to toggle the Backlight On/Off.
• L (2 sec), while the Backlight is On - to reset the timer and keep it On for the duration time set.
Upon ascent above the required Deco Stop Depth, operation will enter Conditional Violation during which no off gassing credit
will be given; with remaining Deco Stop Time and Total Ascent Time freezing.
The Audible will sound and the LED will flash until S is pressed or 10 seconds elapse.
• S (< 2 sec) - to silence the Audible.
> The graphic DOWN with Down Arrow icons flash (Fig. 85) until within 10 FT (3 M) of and below the required Stop Depth
(within the stop zone), then they are removed.
> While above the Stop Depth, 1-1/2 minutes penalty time is added to Stop Time and TAT for every minute that elapses.
If descent below the required Deco Stop Depth is made within 5 minutes, operation will resume in Deco with off gassing credit
given (Stop Time and TAT then decrease).
Once above the Deco Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes, operation will enter Delayed Violation 1 which is a continuation of
Conditional Violation**.
**The difference between DV1 and CV is that DV1 causes operation to enter Violation
Gauge Mode 5 minutes after surfacing from that dive and CV does not.
The Audible will sound and the LED will flash for 10 seconds during which the full TLBG will flash (Fig. 86) until the Audible is
The Audible cannot be silenced by pressing S.
> The graphic DOWN with Down Arrow icons continue to flash until within 10 FT (3 M) of and below the required Stop Depth
(within the stop zone), then they are removed.
If Decompression requires a Stop Depth between 60 FT (18 M) and 70 FT (21 M), operation will enter Delayed Violation 2.
The Audible will sound and the LED will flash for 10 seconds during which the full TLBG will flash (Fig. 87) until the Audible is
The Audible cannot be silenced by pressing S.
> The graphic UP with Up Arrow icons flash until ascent to within 10 FT (3 M) of and below the required Stop Depth when
they will be removed.
CV, DV1, AND DV2 ALTS - similar to the DECO ALTs.
Upon descent deeper than 330 FT (100 M)*, the Audible will sound and the LED will flash. Until ascent is made above 330
FT (100 M), the graphic UP with Up Arrow icons will flash and Dive Time Remaining (NDC) will only display 3 dashes ( - : - - )
signifying that you are out of range.
*This is the Maximum Operating Depth at which the OCi can accurately perform nitrogen/oxygen calculations.
Upon ascending above 330 FT (100 M), the graphic UP with Up Arrow icons will be removed.
DV3 MAIN, information includes (Fig. 88) -
> Current Depth flashing with FT (or M) icon.
> DTR as 3 dashes ( - : - - ) with graphic NDC (or OTR).
> Graphic GAS - 1 (or 2, 3, 4), the one currently in use.
> NX icon, if any Gas is set for Nitrox.
> Air Time Remaining (up to 99 min) with min and ATR icons, blank if no TMT in use.
> Graphic UP with Up Arrows, flashing.
> Tank Pressure, for the TMT currently in use, with PSI (or BAR) and Link icons; or graphic SPG.
> TLBG with icon.
> VARI with icon, if ascending.
Fig. 88 - DV3 MAIN
Fig. 87 - DV2 MAIN
(at stop, after the Audible)
Fig. 84 - DECO STOP ALT 3
Fig.85 - CV MAIN
Fig. 86 - DV1 MAIN
(during the Audible)