> During that 24 hours, VGM does not allow access to the
Set F, Plan, Dsat, and FREE Mode features/screens.
> The Fly countdown indicates time remaining before normal
operation can resume with full features and functions.
Warning >> at Alarm Set Point value minus .20 (1.00 to 1.40).
Alarm >> at Set Point value, except in Deco then at 1.60 only.
When PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) increases to the Warn-
ing level; the audible sounds, the Up Arrow icon will flash, and
the PO2 value will flash (in place of max Depth) until the audible
is silenced (Fig. 92).
• S (< 2 sec) - to acknowledge alarm.
> When the audible is silenced, Max Depth is restored.
The Up Arrow remains on solid until PO2 decreases below the
Warning level.
If PO2 continues to increase and reaches the Alarm Set Point,
the audible sounds again.
• S (< 2 sec) - to acknowledge alarms
> The PO2 value and Up Arrow icon will flash until PO2
decreases below the Alarm Set Point.