© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5382-r01 (10/24/14)
NORM MENU, information includes (Fig. 26):
> PLAN - to view a sequence of allowed depths with no deco times.
> SET GAS - to access a menu for setting FO2 and PO2 alarms for each gas.
> SET TMTS - to access a menu for setting transmitters.
> SET ALARMS - to access a menu for setting dive alarms.
> SET UTILITIES - to access a menu for setting dive related functions such as algorithm, stops, etc.
> SET PREVIEW - to access a menu for selecting dive related settings to be viewed together.
> VIEW PREVIEW - to view items selected.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward (down screen) through Menu selections (the active item highlighted).
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back (up screen) through Menu selections.
• S (< 2 sec) - to access the selection that is highlighted.
• M or S (2 sec) - to step back from the Menu to the NORM SURF MAIN.
• M (2 sec) - to exit the Menu system and revert to the NORM SURF MAIN.
• No button action (for 2 min) - will exit the Menu system and revert to the NORM SURF MAIN.
No Deco time Limits (NDLs) and O2 time Limits (OTLs) in Plan Mode are based on the Algorithm selected (DSAT or Z+), the FO2
set for Gas 1, and residual nitrogen (or O2) remaining from previous NORM (or FREE) dives. FO2 set for other Gases are not
used for Plan calculations.
PDPS (Pre Dive Planning Sequence)
Plan screens will sequence through Depths from 30 to 190 FT (9 to 57 M), or the Max Depth that will allow theoretical No Deco
Dive Time of at least 1 minute based upon the previous dive profiles in a series of repetitive dives and taking into account descent
and ascent rates of 60 FPM (18 MPM).
When the Conservative Factor is set On, NDLs are reduced to the values of the next 3,000 foot (915 meter) higher Altitude.
Refer to tables in back.
PLAN GAS 1, information includes (Fig. 27A/B):
> Graphic AIR; or xx%, x.xx - xxx FT (or M) [FO2, PO2 set with the Max Depth allowed for the PO2 alarm value set].
> Plan Depth value with FT (or M) icon.
> Dive Time allowed (hr:min) with graphic NDL (or OTL if O2 control).
• A (hold) - to scroll 8/sec (down screen) through the available Plan Depths from 30 to 190 FT (9 to 57 M) in increments of
10 FT (3 M) highlighting the information one line at a time.
The down arrow on the scroll bar at the right will be green if other deeper depths will be listed when going down and grey
if there is no other depth listed below. The up arrow on the scroll bar will be green if other shallower depths will be listed
when going up and grey if there is no other depth listed above.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward (down) through the Plan Depths one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back (up) through the Plan Depths one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to exit the PDPS and revert to the Main Menu.
The PDPS will step/scroll to the Max Depth that will allow a theoretical No Deco time of at least 1 minute based upon previ-
ous dive profiles in a series of repetitive dives.
Once a dive is conducted, the algorithm selected will lock into that selection until 24 hours elapse on the surface after the
dive, or all residual nitrogen has been offgassed (DSAT time = 0:00).
SET GAS MENU (NORM), information includes (Fig. 28A):
Selections with their last set points saved include:
> GAS 1 = with AIR; or 21 to 100% and 1.xx (PO2 alarm setting).
> GAS 2 = with OFF; or AIR; or 21 to 100% and 1.xx (PO2 alarm setting).
> GAS 3 = with OFF; or AIR; or 21 to 100% and 1.xx (PO2 alarm setting).
> GAS 4 = with OFF; or AIR; or 21 to 100% and 1.xx (PO2 alarm setting).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step forward (down screen) through and highlight Menu selections.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back (up screen) through Menu selections.
• S (< 2 sec), when a selection is highlighted - to highlight & flash* that item’s set point.
*During the time that a numeric FO2 value is flashing, the Max Depth allowed for the PO2 alarm value shown is displayed at the bottom.
FO2 set for AIR:
> The default FO2 for Gas 1 each new activation period is AIR.
> When FO2 for Gas 1 is set for AIR -
> calculations are the same as when it is set for 21% O2.
> it remains set for AIR until it is set for a Nitrox (21 to 100% O2).
> O2SAT and PO2 values and/or warnings will not be displayed at any time, on the surface or during dives.
> Max Depths allowed by the PO2 alarm set will not be displayed.
Fig. 26 - NORM MENU
Fig. 27A - PDPS
(Gas 1 set for Air)
Fig. 27B - PDPS
(Gas 1 set for Nitrox)
30 FT 9:55 NDL
40 FT 4:22 NDL
50 FT 2:28 NDL
60 FT 1:32 NDL
80 FT 0:49 NDL
32%, 1.40 111FTMAX
70 FT 1:05 NDL
30 FT 4:20 NDL
40 FT 2:17 NDL
50 FT 1:21 NDL
60 FT 0:57 NDL
80 FT 0:30 NDL
70 FT 0:40 NDL
(Gas 2 selected)
GAS 1 =
22% , 1.40GAS
2 =
3 =
4 =
32% , 1.40
= 124 FT