Main features
s The playback speed can be
controlled as preferred (
☞ P. 51).
s The guidance feature (in English
and other languages) gives
audio notification of operating
conditions. Various functions can
be operated easily (
☞ P. 68).
s You may assign your own names
to folders (
☞ P. 54).
s Timer Rec (☞ P. 60) and Alarm
features (
☞ P. 64) enable
automatic recording and playing
at a set time.
s A directional microphone feature
has been included that allows
switching between broad stereo
recording and recording with
a highly directional quality
(☞ P. 48).
s A convenient intro play feature
has been included for when
searching for a file that you want
to listen to (For DM-520)(
☞ P. 53).
included to produce a natural,
realistic experience without
degrading sound quality
(☞ P. 50).
s Fast forward and rewind are
possible at set intervals (
☞ P. 52).
s Comes with “Olympus Sonority”
software for Windows and
Macintosh (
☞ P.75).
If you transfer voice files recorded
with the recorder to a PC, you can
easily playback, organize, and edit the
You can perform waveform editing,
file joining, and file splitting.
If you connect the recorder to a
computer, you can use it as a USB
microphone or USB speaker (☞ P. 91).
s The “Olympus Sonority” can be
upgraded to a “Olympus Sonority
Plus”, which is equipped with a
enhanced functionality (Option)
(☞ P. 92).
In addition to the “Olympus Sonority”
functions, editing of MP3 files
and creation of music CDs can be
s This recorder is compatible
with USB 2.0, enabling fast data
transfer to a computer.
s It has a USB charging function
(☞ P.15, P.16).
s It is compatible with Podcasting
(☞ P.107).
If favorite Podcast URLs are registered
in the “Olympus Sonority”, the latest
broadcasting content will be received
automatically. Press the Podcast
button on the recorder to quickly
listen to the program (file) transferred
from the “Olympus Sonority” to the
s Compatible with Audible
broadcasting (
☞ P. 112).
Main features