
Night Scene Mode
When shooting night scenes you may sometimes be dis-
appointed with the result, usually because the camera's
automatic exposure function works on a standard
exposure ratio. In such situations a professional photo-
grapher would adjust for exposure compensation based
on personal experience, or select the manual shooting
In the night scene mode, exposure compensation is auto-
matically adjusted for attractive night scene photography.
For example, when shooting a subject with a night scene
as its background, the use of the flash is often desirable.
Should that be the case, the camera performs the most
suitable exposure compensation for both the subject and
the background. Since the selected shutter speed may be
very slow, the camera should be held firmly in position
(with a tripod for example) to prevent blurring.
Stop Action Mode
This mode is ideal for capturing high-speed photo
opportunities such as sports scenes and children at play.
A fast shutter speed is automatically selected to "freeze"
the action on film.
Landscape Mode
This mode is ideal when you want to focus on both the
subject and the background or when you want to shoot
natural scenery with low contrast. The camera automati-
cally stops down the aperture to make the range of focus
as large as possible. In shooting conditions for this mode,
the subjects are likely be at a distance of (infinity), so
the autofocus function in this mode starts from the
Film Speed
Film speed is indicated on the back of film
packages. ISO 100, ISO 200, and ISO 400 are the
most common. High-speed film (ISO 400), as
implied by its name, is for taking photos of fast-
moving subjects in action shots, for example.
However, there are also other advantages. With
high-speed film, such as ISO 400, it is possible to
take pictures in lower light. And the distance
covered by the flash will be greater. Generally, the
higher the film speed, the grainier the picture.
With this camera, we recommend the use of "DX"
film cartridges: ISO 25 ~ 3200. In the case of non-
DX-coded film, the camera will automatically be set
to film speed ISO 32.