• Instructions
The model DPG10L Digital Pressure Gauge has several features not normally
found as standard in Digital Pressure Gauges. These include the Analog Scale,
Tare, and Peak Holds. The Analog Scale is a 40 segment display that appears
around the edge of the liquid crystal display. This scale represents the pressure
reading as a percentage of full scale, and each individual segment equals 2.5%.
The Tare feature provides a method of zeroing out an existing offset such as the
weight of the platform on a hydraulic scale. The Hold feature allows the user to
select Hi or Lo. When the Hold is enabled the reading displayed is the highest
or lowest pressure experienced in the system since Hold was enabled, and this
information will continue to be updated at the rate of six times a second until
Hold is disabled.
1.0 To Zero or “TARE OUT” an existing offset
1.1 Press and hold the “MODE” key until the reading starts flashing. Release
“MODE” key.
1.2 Press “ENTR” key until the reading becomes 0000.
NOTE: Tare range is 100% of Full Scale.
1.3 To return to the Gross reading press and hold “ENTR”, then with
“ENTR” still depressed press “MODE” until the reading returns to the
gross, then release both keys.
2.0 To select PEAK HI or PEAK LO hold functions
2.1 Press and hold the “MODE” key until the reading starts flashing. Release
the “MODE” key, then press “MODE” key once more, the display will
read “HOLD”. Press “ENTR” key once, the display will read “NO H”.
Using “up” or “down” keys select “NO H” (no Hold), “H Lo” (Peak
Low Hold), or “H Hi” (Peak High Hold). Press “ENTR” key to lock your
NOTE: When the Hold function is enabled “PEAK” is displayed, this will
be the same for “Hi” or “Lo” Hold. You must remember which you have
2.2 To reset after capturing a Hi Peak or Lo Peak, Press and hold “MODE”
key until the reading starts flashing. Release the “MODE” key, then press
“ENTR”, hold momentarily then release.
DPG10L M3367/0606