
Connect any
Operator Interface
Terminal with an
RS-232C adapter.
With this connection,
you can monitor the
process or interface
with the CPM1A directly.
The CPM1A connects
directly to a PC using an
RS-232C adapter. You can
download programs, transfer
data, and
monitor the
status of the
CPM1A from
your PC.
Using the CPM1A-
SRT21 adapter, the
CPM1A can operate
as a slave on a
network and use up
to 8 outputs and 8
inputs via control
of a CompoBus/S
System Configuration Options
The CPM1A’s small size lets you pack several connections and usage options into a compact panel. It is
powerful enough to support up to 100 I/O, offer multiple control options, and connectivity to several
different devices including bar code readers, operator interfaces, process and temperature controllers, etc.
1:N Communications
allows multiple
CPM1As to connect
to a PC via a link
adapter and RS-422
adapters. You can
monitor, control and
program up to 32
PLCs from a remote
Use a handheld programmer
to program and download
information directly to the
CPM1A via its peripheral port.
1:1 Link connects a CPM1A to
another CPM1A or any other
Omron PLC, allowing the linked
PLCs to communicate directly
and seamlessly share data.
Expansion I/O increases the CPM1A’s usefulness in solving your
applications. Expand up to three modules (up to 100 I/O points total)
including a mix of relay, transistor (NPN or PNP) or, analog input and
output points all connected via simple ribbon cable connections.
Connecting Cables
Item Description Part Number
RS-232C Cable RS-232C to RS-232C / PLC communication (2 m) C200H-CN320-EU
RS-232C Cable RS-232C to RS-232C / PC connection for program download (2 m) C200HS-CN220-EU
Item Description Part Number
RS-232C Adapter (Cable) Converts Peripheral port to RS-232C level / Cable 3.3 m CQM-CIF02
RS-232C Adapter (DIN) Converts Peripheral port to RS-232C level / DIN Mount CPM1-CIF01
RS-422 Adapter Converts RS-232C port to RS-422A (Requires 5VDC power supply) NT-AL001
Link Adapter Converts RS-422 to RS-232C 3G2A9-AL004-E
RS-422 Adapter (DIN) Converts Peripheral port to RS-422A / DIN Mount CPM1-CIF11
Peripheral Devices
Item Description Part Number
Programming console Handheld programming console with 2 m cable attached CQM1-PRO01-E
Programming console Handheld programming console with back light (Cable not included) C200H-PRO27-E
Connecting cable Connects C200H programming console to peripheral port (2 m) C200H-CN222
Connecting cable Connects C200H programming console to peripheral port (4 m) C200H-CN422