Master Remote I/O Communications Section 4-1
4-1 Master Remote I/O Communications
Remote I/O communications are used to automatically transfer data between
slaves and the CPU Unit without any special programming in the CPU Unit
under which the Master Unit is mounted.
Master Communications
Note 1. A CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit can function as either a master or slave in
remote I/O communications and it can even function as both a master and
a slave at the same time. Turn ON the Master Enable Switch (word n, bit
06) in the Software Switches in the words allocated in the CIO Area to set
the CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit to function as a master. Once this switch
is turned ON and master communications are enabled, the Unit will contin-
ue to perform master communications regardless of whether the power is
turned OFF and back ON again. Turn ON the Master Stop Switch (word n,
bit 07) to stop master communications. Master communications are the fo-
cus of this section.
2. In the following descriptions, a CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit set to function
as a master is referred to as a “Master Unit” and a CS/CJ-series DeviceNet
Unit set to function as a slave is referred to as a “Slave Unit”.
4-1-1 Allocations
All slaves are allocated words in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit to which the
Master Unit is mounted. They are allocated using one of the following meth-
1) Fixed allocations
2) User-set allocations
CS/CJ-series CPU Unit
Remote I/O communications
CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit (master)