4. Designate the ending point for the polyline.
5. Press the Shift and Enter Keys or double-click the left mouse button to
indicate that the ending point has been entered.
2-9-2 Deleting Polylines
You can delete polylines set on the screen.
1, 2, 3...
1. Specify DELETE. The starting points for all of the polylines on the
screen will be indicated by small squares.
2. To delete a polyline, specify the starting point for that line. The starting
point, ending point, and all of the mid-points for the designated polyline
will be indicated by small squares, and a message will be displayed ask-
ing whether you actually want to delete the line. If points overlap, some
squares may not be displayed.
3. If you do want to delete the polyline, then press the Enter Key, or to can-
cel and return to step 1, press the Escape Key.
2-9-3 Modifying Polylines
You can modify polylines set on the screen.
1, 2, 3...
1. Select MODIFY. The starting points for all of the polylines on the screen
will be indicated by small squares.
2. To modify a polyline, specify the starting point for that line.
Polylines Section 2-9