
Loop-control CPU Units
Loop Controller Element Specifications
Loop Controller Element Specifications
Item Specifications
Model CJ1G-CPU42P CJ1G-CPU43/44/45P(-GTC)
Operation method Function block method
Loop Controller element LCB01 LCB03
block analog
Control and
PID and other control
functions, square root op-
eration, time operations,
pulse train operation, and
other operation functions
for various processes.
50 blocks max. 300 blocks max.
Step ladder
Logic sequence and step
sequence functions
20 blocks max.
2,000 commands total
100 commands max. per block
Separable into 100 steps max.
200 blocks max.
4,000 commands total
100 commands max. per block
Separable into 100 steps max.
I/O blocks Field terminal
Analog I/O function with
Analog I/O Unit, contact
I/O function with Basic I/O
30 blocks max. CJ1G-CPU43P: 30 blocks max.
CJ1G-CPU44/45P: 40 blocks max.
User link
Analog data I/O and con-
tact data I/O function for
CPU Unit
2,400 data items max.
HMI function I/O function for the speci-
fied bank of the EM Area
in the CPU Unit for func-
tion block ITEM data used
for Control, Operation,
External Controller, and
System Common blocks
for the HMI function.
Allocated 1 EM Area bank
Operation and Control blocks:
50 blocks max.
× 20 send/receive words
System Common blocks:
20 send/receive words
Allocated 1 EM Area bank
Operation and Control blocks:
300 blocks max.
× 20 send/receive words
System Common blocks:
20 send/receive words
System common opera-
tion cycle setting, run/
stop command, load rate
monitor, etc.
Single block
Method for creating and transferring function blocks Created using CX-Process Tool (purchased separately) and transferred to Loop
External I/O response time The time from external input of analog signals up to external output of analog signals
on a single control loop depends on the function block's operation cycle and the
CPU Unit's cycle time.
Operation cycle 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, or 2 s (default: 1 s) (See note.)
Can be set for each function block.
Note: 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 s cannot be set for some blocks.
Internal operation Number of control loops The maximum number of loops that can be used if the LCB load rate is 80% for a
standard applications (e.g., with each loop consisting of one Ai4 Terminal, Seg-
ment Linearizer, Basic PID, and A04 terminal) is shown in the following table.
Note: Loop Controller element LCB01: 25 loops max.
Control method PID control method PID with 2 degrees of freedom
Control combinations Any of the following function blocks can be combined:
Basic PID control, cascade control, feed-forward control, sample PI control, Smith
dead time compensation control, PID control with differential gap, override control,
program control, time-proportional control, etc.
Alarms PID block internal alarms 4 PV alarms (upper upper-limit, upper limit, lower limit, lower lower-limit) and 1
deviation alarm per PID block
Alarm blocks High/low alarm blocks, deviation alarm blocks
Maximum number
of loops
Maximum number
of loops
0.01 s 20 loops 0.2 s 150 loops
(See note.)
0.02 s 35 loops (see note) 0.5 s
0.05 s 70 loops (see note) 1 s
0.1 s 100 loops (see note) 2 s