Optima 45 - 3 35
The main burner does not
turn on with the pilot lit.
3. Check to make sure the thermostat is set high enough to turn
on the appliance.
4. Check that the remote switch or the thermostat is turned on.
5. Check for weak pilot flame. If the flame is weak, check gas
supply, check pilot flame adjustment and check for blockage
of pilot orifice.
6. Check all connections to the valve for tight electrical contact.
7. Check for 400-500 mV from the thermopile with the burner off
and 200-250 mV with the burner on. If the voltages are lower,
the thermopile is defective.
8. Check for defective gas valve.
The main burner shuts off
when the appliance is
1. This may be the normal operation of a wall thermostat installed
to appliances.
2. Check for good pilot flame on the thermopile.
3. Check for good voltage from the thermopile.
4. Check for proper functioning of venting system (blocked ?).
5. Check wire connections. Expansion from heat affects a loose
Sooty deposits on the glass
1. If the flame is yellow and lazy, check for lint etc. around pri-
mary air shutter. Increase primary air by opening the primary
air shutter if necessary.
2. Check for proper placement of the logs and branches. Ensure
logs and burner are clean. See that section in the instruction
3. Check for proper venting and blockage of the vent termination.
4. Check manifold pressure and clock input rating for over-firing.
Sharp blue flames with
flames lifting off the burner
at the ends.
1. Too much primary air. Reduce primary air by closing the
primary air shutter. During cold temperatures, some flame
lifting may occur during start-up.
Convection blower does not
turn on.
1. The convection fan is thermostatically controlled. It will only
turn on when the appliance is warmed-up. This may take up to
15 minutes with the appliance on high.
2. Check for 120 VAC electrical supply to the appliance.
3. Check for proper mounting of the thermal snap disc.
4. Check electrical connections.
5. Check for defective thermal snap disc.
6. Check for defective convection blower speed controller.
7. Check for defective convection blower.