
324 DBS 576 (USA), Revised 6/11/98 576-13-700
Appendix A. ARS and TRS Operation Section 700 - Operation
9. In this example, there are only 5 route patterns needed. The first three use the same trunks to the local CO.
The first pattern does not modify the dialed digits. The second pattern uses the Digit Modify Pattern to add
the Equal Access Code prefix for Long Distance Carrier A (preferred in the day time). The third pattern
uses the Digit Modify Pattern to add the Equal Access Code prefix for Long Distance Carrier B (preferred
at night and on week ends).
The fourth pattern selects the FX lines to Birmingham and selects a digit modify pattern that removes the
first 4 digits dialed (1205) so that the call originates at the CO as a local call.
The fifth pattern selects the Out-WATS trunks. No digit modification is required for these trunks.
Table A-17. Example - Route Table
Table A-18. Example - Digit Modify Table Route Table
Route Pattern # Trunk Group
Digit Modify Pattern #
0 (not modified), 1-50
11 - Local CO
2 1 - Local CO to Carrier “A” (Day preferred)
(101XXXX) 1
3 1 - Local CO to Carrier “B” (Night/Weekend
preferred (101YYYY) 2
4 2 - FX to Birmingham
53 - Out-WATS
Digit Modify Pattern #
Delete Digits
(Prefix, up to 24 digits)
Add Digits
(Prefix, up to 10)
Add Digits
(Suffix, up to 10)
1 0 101XXXX -
2 0 101YYYY -