Useful Information
110 For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/phonehelp
The camera sensor does
not respond.
L The camera sensor does not respond unless the
detection mode is set to “Motion & Audio”, “Motion
only”, or “Audio only” beforehand. Change the
detection mode (page 62).
L While a handset or a computer user is monitoring the
cordless camera, the cordless camera stops detecting
motion and/or sound.
The camera sensor
responds but a person is
not shown.
L The cordless camera cannot take a picture when a
person passes in front of the cordless camera too fast.
The pictures are not
stored in the cordless
L If a handset or a computer user starts monitoring the
cordless camera while it is taking pictures after
detection, the cordless camera stops taking pictures.
L You selected “No Overwrite” for the method of saving
the cordless camera images and the cordless camera’s
memory became full. Erase unnecessary images (page
56, 59) or change the setting to “Overwrite image”
(page 63).
I pressed {Call button}
but the cordless camera
does not page the
handset or my computer.
L The call button does not work unless the detection
mode is set to “Call button”. Change the detection
mode to “Call button” (page 62).
L While a handset or a computer user is monitoring the
cordless camera, you cannot page them by pressing
{Call button}. Wait until the handset or the computer
user end monitoring.
“Camera detect” is
displayed on the handset
or a pop-up message
(“Notification”) is
displayed on your
L When the cordless camera detected motion and/or
sound or the call button of the cordless camera was
pressed, you were not near the handset or your
computer and could not answer the page. After you
monitor the cordless camera which paged you, the
indication disappears.
Problem Cause & solution