Making/Answering Calls
Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 0844 844 3898 97
“ ” indicates a voicemail that you have already played back in the voicemails list.
Sending voicemail messages
You can send voicemail messages using your contact list or History.
1 {Menu} (middle soft key)
2 “Contacts” i {Select}
3 Select the desired contact i {Options}
4 “Send voicemail” i {Select}
5 After the greeting is played and the beep sounds, record your message.
6 Press {End} to finish recording.
LIn step 2, you can also select “History”. i {Select} i “Missed calls”/
“Incoming calls”/“Outgoing calls”/“Voicemails” i {Select}
LIn step 3, you can select the desired contact. i {View} i {Options}
LIn step 6, even if you exit recording by pressing {}}, the message may be recorded.
WP1050E.book Page 97 Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:31 AM