Notification Setting - Device 1-3
Table 36
Parameter Value Range
Dial Number Up to 32 digits
consisting of 1-9,
0, , #
P, T, M, X
Assigns a telephone or beeper number to Device 1, 2, or
3. The subscriber can also specify the dial number from
his telephone.
P: Pause
T: Dial Tone Detection
M: Dial Mode Switching Code (DTMF to Pulse, or
Pulse to DTMF)
X: Callback Number Entry Code
1-9, 0, , #: Dial Codes
: The callback number entry code "X" must be
included in the number to be called if the Beeper
Callback No. Entry Mode is enabled through COS and
"Type of Device" is set to "Beeper." The proper number
of "Pauses" must be inserted before the callback entry
The Subscriber can also specify the dial number.
Type of Device 1. Telephone
2. Beeper
Specifies the device to be notified. This is automatically
set to "Beeper" when "X" is used in the Dial Number
(above). The Subscriber can also specify the type of
device from his telephone.
Use Mode 1. Not Use
2. Continuously
3. Scheduled
Specifies how Device 1, 2, or 3 is to be used. The
Subscriber can also specify the use mode from his
1.Not Use - Device 1, 2, or 3 is not used for a
notification call.
2.Continuously - Device 1, 2, or 3 is called whenever a
message is recorded in the mailbox.
3.Scheduled - Device 1, 2, or 3 is called on a schedule
basis when a message has been left in the mailbox.
No. of Retries 0-9 times
Specifies the number of times that a notification call to
Device 1, 2, or 3 should be attempted after a busy or no
answer condition is received
Busy Delay
0-120 min
Specifies the time (in minutes) the VPS must wait after
a busy condition is received before making a
notification call to Device 1, 2, or 3.