System Programming 4-87
4.2 System Programming [999]
Resets all or a specific area of the current assigned data to the default settings. The areas are
as follows.
Para : Resets all data to the default settings.
System Para: Resets all data to the default settings except for the data of the following
4 parameters.
CO Para: Resets programs [400] through [403] and [405] through [424] to the
default settings on an exchange line basis.
Ext Para: Resets programs [102], [516] and [600] through [615] to the default
settings on an extension basis.
DSS Para: Resets the assigned data on the DSS buttons and PF buttons on the DSS
Speed Dial : Resets the System Speed Dialling numbers (00 through 99) assigned in
program [001].
Exchange line number: 1 through 6 / (All exchange lines)
Extension port number: 01 through 24 / (All extension ports)
DSS console number: 1 through 2 / (Both DSS console numbers)
• This program and [804] “System Data Dump” are not included.
• Feature Reference
Section 3, Features
System Data Default Set
[999] System Data Clear
DSS Para/Speed Dial)
< To select All, System parameter and/or Speed Dial. >
< To select the CO (exchange line) parameter. >
exchange line no.*
6/ )
< To select the Extension parameter. >
< To select the DSS parameter. >
(1···2/ )
24/ )
DSS Para/Speed Dial)
DSS Para/Speed Dial)
DSS Para/Speed Dial)
extension port no.*
DSS console no.*
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