
4-120 System Programming
4.2 System Programming
SMDR RS-232C Communication Parameters
Description Assigns the communication parameters for the Serial Interface
New line code: Selects the code for the printer or personal computer. If the printer
or personal computer automatically feeds lines with a carriage
return, select “CR”. If not, select “CR+LF”.
Baud rate: The baud rate code indicates the data transmission speed from the
system to the printer or personal computer.
Word length: The word length code indicates how many bits compose a character.
Parity: The parity code indicates what type of parity is used to detect an
error in the string of bits composing a character. Make the selection
depending on the requirements of the printer or personal computer.
Stop bit: The stop bit code indicates the end of a bit string which composes a
character. Select a value depending on the requirements of the
printer or personal computer.
Selection • New line code: CR+LF / CR
(CR=Carriage Return, LF=Line Feed)
• Baud rate (baud): 150 / 300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600
• Word length (bits): 7 / 8
• Parity bit: None / Mark / Space / Even / Odd
• Stop bit length (bits): 1 / 2
Default New line code = CR+LF;
Baud rate = 9600;
Word length = 8;
Parity bit = Mark;
Stop bit = 1
Programming 1. Enter 800.
Display example: RS232C Parameter
2. Press NEXT to program the new line code.
Display example: NL-Code:CR+LF
3. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection is
4. Press STORE.
5. Press NEXT to program the baud rate.
Display example: Baud Rate:9600B