178 User Manual
Display feature list
You can access the following features. These displays can be shown by rotating the Jog Dial or
pressing the NEXT or PREV button after selecting "Features". For their operation, see the respective
operating instructions in the list below.
Feature Description
Absent MSG Off ABST MSG Off Cancel the absent message. Refer to
2.6.4 Showing an Absent Message
on the Caller's Telephone Display
(Absent Message Capability).
Absent MSG On (1-9) ABST MSG On 1-9 Set an absent message. Refer to
2.6.4 Showing an Absent Message
on the Caller's Telephone Display
(Absent Message Capability).
C.Pickup Group C.Pickup GRP Pick up a call within your extension
group. Refer to 2.3.3 Answering a
Call Ringing at Another Telephone
(Call Pickup).
Call Park (0-9) Call Park 0-9 Place a call on hold in a system
parking area. Refer to
2.4.2 Holding a Call.
CM OGM PLAY (1-9) CM OGM PLAY 1-9 Replay an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 3.2.3 Recording
Company Greeting Outgoing
CM OGM REC (1-9) CM OGM REC 1-9 Record an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 3.2.3 Recording
Company Greeting Outgoing
CM OGM DEL (1-9) CM OGM DEL 1-9 Delete an outgoing message (OGM)
for the company voice message
box.* Refer to 3.2.3 Recording
Company Greeting Outgoing
COS Primary (ext) COS Primary ext Select the primary Class of Service
(COS) mode for an extension*. Refer
to 3.1.1 Switching Level of Service.
COS Secondary (ext) COS Second ext Select the secondary Class of
Service (COS) mode for an
extension*. Refer to
3.1.1 Switching Level of Service.