5500--SSttaattiioonn CCaalllleerr IIDD MMeemmoorryy**
■ Easy caller identification
You can quickly see who’s calling when an incoming call is
50-caller memory for quick answer
If you cannot answer the call, you can easily call back at
your convenience.
Applicable: All Digital Gigarange models.
PPhhoonneebbooookk // PPhhoonneebbooookk CCooppyy
■ Instant recall
You can access phone numbers quickly.
■ Large-capacity memory
Built-in memory stores up to
50 or 200 station names and
numbers in a single handset.
Convenient phonebook copy
You can transfer individual names/
numbers or the entire phonebook all
at once.
Applicable: All Digital Gigarange models
(except KX-TG1811/TG1812/TG1813ALS).
AAllll DDiiggiittaall AAnnsswweerriinngg SSyysstteemm
■ No tape required
As the voice message is stored in memory instead of on
a tape cassette, there’s no worry about tangling or wear.
■ Quick access operation
No need for fast-forwarding or
rewinding. You can instantly access
the next message or play back the
previous one.
Applicable: KX-TG5839ALS/TG5932ALM/TG5934ALM/
TG5931ALS/TG2632ALS/TG2631ALS/TG1840ALS/ TG1843ALS.