1. Specifications
6-5. Checking the Drainage
After wiring and piping are completed, use the follow-
ing procedure to check that the water will drain smooth-
ly. For this, prepare a bucket and wiping cloth to catch
and wipe up spilled water.
(1) Take off the tube cover and through the opening,
slowly pour about 0.3 gal of water into the drain
pan to check drainage.
(2) Do Test Run to check the drainage after complet-
ing installation. When performing Test Run, refer to
the installation instructions attached to the outdoor
(3) After drain checking is finished, return the Opera-
tion Selector switch to the RUN position (ON posi-
tion ) and remount the tube cover.
Do not supply power to the
unit until the tubing and wir-
ing to the outdoor unit are
Be careful since the fan will
start turning when checking
the drainage.
To mount the tube cover,
use 5/16" (4 × 8 mm) tap-
ping screws. Do not use long
screws as they may puncture
the drain pan and cause water
5/16"(4 × 8 mm)
tapping screw
Tube cover
Fig. 1-23