3-113160-A2-GB21-50 January 1997
Changing Configuration
The DSU/CSU is an intelligent device that displays
only valid options for the current configuration.
Therefore, you are only presented with menu choices that
are consistent with the current configuration and
operational state of the DSU/CSU; invalid combinations
of configuration options do not appear. For example,
menus displayed for the Model 3160 (2 ports) and the
Model 3164 (4 ports) differ due to the number of ports
available. Also, if the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface
selection is disabled, many of the menu choices do not
appear. Be aware that although all options are shown in
this guide, what you see on your DSU/CSU varies with
your configuration.
The DSU/CSU offers configuration options located in
the following memory areas:
• Active (Activ). This is the configuration option set
currently active for the DSU/CSU. Before a
configuration option set becomes active for the
DSU/CSU, you must save the set to the Active area.
When the DSU/CSU is shipped from the factory,
the Active configuration option set is identical to
the Factory set. This area can be written to and
controls the current operation of the device.
• Customer 1 (Cust1). This is the first of two sets of
customer-defined configuration options. This area
can be written to.
• Customer 2 (Cust2). This is the second of two sets
of customer-defined configuration options. This
area can be written to.
• Factory 1 (Fact1). This is a set of configuration
options preset at the factory. This set is determined
by what is considered to be the most common
configuration used in the DSU/CSU market.
Factory 1 options are read-only.
• Factory 2 (Fact2). This is a set of configuration
options preset at the factory. This set is determined
by what is considered to be the second most
common configuration used in the DSU/CSU
market. Factory 2 options are read-only.
The configuration options are divided into functional
groups. Appendix C contains a list of the configuration
options and defaults. These groups are:
• DTE (DSX-1) Interface
• Port
• Network Interface
• Channel
• General
• User Interface
• Alarm
• General Management
• Management Trap
The DSU/CSU arrives with two preset factory default
configuration settings. These settings are based on the
• Factory 1 – ESF framing format with B8ZS line
coding format for both the network and the DTE
Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interfaces. Data ports are
• Factory 2 – D4 framing format with AMI line
coding format for both the network and the DTE
Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interfaces. Data ports are
If neither of the factory default settings support your
network’s configuration, you can customize the
configuration options to better suit your application.
Use the Configuration (Cnfig) branch of the front panel
menu tree to display or change DSU/CSU configuration
options (see Appendix C, Configuration Options).