4-33360-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
Device Health and Status
Use the Device Health and Status branch to view the
current health and status messages for the E1 NTU.
Table 4-2 lists these messages in priority order.
To display device health and status,
1. From the top-level menu screen, select Stat.
Stat Test Cnfig
2. From the Status screen, select DevHS.
Alarm/status messages appear on Line 2 of the
LCD in priority order (highest to lowest). The E1
NTU is polled for current status every ten seconds.
If the status has changed from the last poll, the
Health and Status screen is updated and the
highest priority message is displayed.
3. Use the scroll keys, if necessary, to scroll
additional device health and status messages onto
the LCD.
Device H/S:
LOS on Loop1
The Auto Device Health and Status screen appears
when there is no activity (no keys pressed) on the
active physical interface for five minutes. Only the
highest priority message appears on Line 2 of the
Table 4-2
(1 of 2)
Health and Status Messages
LOS on Loop1 A Loss Of Signal condition (6 consecutive synchronization word mismatches) has been detected
on loop 1 of the network interface. The condition is cleared when a signal match occurs.
LOS on Loop2 A Loss Of Signal condition has been detected on loop 2 of the network interface. The condition is
cleared when a signal match occurs.
LOS at DTE A Loss Of Signal condition (175 consecutive zeros) has been detected on the G.703 DTE interface.
The condition is cleared when the density of ones to zeros received is 12.5%.
OOF at Net An Out Of Frame condition (3 consecutive errored frame alignment events or, in CRC4 mode, a
lack of multiframe alignment) has been detected on the network interface. The condition is cleared
when a reframe occurs.
OOF at DTE An Out Of Frame condition has been detected on the G.703 DTE interface. The condition is
cleared when a reframe occurs.
AIS at Net An Alarm Indication Signal (unframed all ones signal) is being received by the network interface.
AIS at DTE An Alarm Indication Signal is being received by the G.703 DTE interface.
EER at Net An Excessive Error Rate condition has been detected on the network interface (the bit error rate
is 10
or greater for 4 to 5 seconds). The condition is cleared when the error rate falls below the
threshold value (10
) for 5 seconds.