Register Description Factory Setting Range
S0 Auto-Answer Ring Number 1 0(Disable) or 1–255 rings
S2 AT Escape Character 43(+) 0–127 ASCII
S3 Carriage Return Character 13 0–127 ASCII
S4 Line Feed Character 10 0–127 ASCII
S5 Backspace Character 8 0–127 ASCII
S6 Blind Dial Pause 2 2–255 seconds
S7 No Answer Time-out 45 1–255 seconds
S8 “,” Pause Time for the Dial Modifier 2 0–255 seconds
S10 No Carrier Disconnect 2 0–254 (10ths of a second) or 255(Disable)
S12 Escape Guard Time 50 0–255 in 20-millisecond increments
S18 Test Time-out 0(disabled) 0–255 seconds
S26 RTS/CTS Delay 0 0–255 seconds
S34 1800 Hz Training Tone 0 0(Disable); 1(Enable)
S35 Auto Redial (Leased Line) 0 0(Disable) or 1(dirs 1–2) – 9(dirs 1–10)
S36 Rate Auto Originate 0 0(Disable) or 1(4800) – 6(16,800)
S37 Auto Redial (DTR) 0 0(Dir 1) – 9(Dirs 1–10)
S38 DTR Cont Repeat 0 0=Disable, 1=Enable
S39 Receive Buffer Disconnect Delay 0 0(Disable) or 1–255 seconds
S40 Auto Make Busy 0 0=Disable, 1=Enable
S41 Dial Line Rate 21 1=14400(V.32bis); 2=12000(V.32bis);
3=9600(V.32bis); 4=7200(V.32bis);
5=4800(V.32bis); 6=2400(V.22bis); 7=1200(V.22);
8=1200(212A); 10=0–300(V.21); 11=0–300(103J);
20=19200(V.32terbo); 21=16800(V.32terbo)
S43 V.32bis Train 0 0=Long; 1=Short
S44 Leased-Line Rate 18 1=14400(V.32bis); 2=12000(V.32bis);
3=9600(V.32bis); 4=7200(V.32bis);
5=4800(V.32bis); 6=2400(V22bis);
18=19200(V.32terbo); 19=16800(V.32terbo)
S45 Leased TX Level 0 0 dBm–15 dBm
S46 Bad Lines Auto Originate 0 0=Disable; 1=30 seconds; 2=20 seconds;
3=60 seconds; 4=90 seconds; 21=600 seconds
S47 Auto Dial Standby 0 0=Disable; 1=15 minutes; 2=1 hour; 3=4 hours;
S48 Leased-Line Carrier On Level 0 0=–43 dBm; 1=–26 dBm
S49 Transmit Buffer Disconnect Delay 10 0=Disable or 1–255 in 1-second increments
S51 DTE RL (CT140) 0 0=Disable; 1=Enable
S52 DTE LL (CT141) 0 0=Disable; 1=Enable
S53 V.54 Address 0 0(Disable) or 1–34