COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems – Model 3830
4-6 August 1998 3830-A2-GB91-30
Table 4-1
(3 of 3)
Result Codes
30 30 CONNECT 57600** Connection at 57,600 bps
32 32 CONNECT 76800** Connection at 76,800 bps
34 34 CONNECT 115200** Connection at 115,200 bps
** Appears when the Extended Result Codes configuration option is set for Use
DTE Rate. This displays the DTE data rate instead of the line rate.
AT Command List
AT commands are issued from an asynchronous DTE, such as a PC,
and control the modem’s operation and software configuration. AT
commands are only applicable when the DTE Dialer Type
configuration option is set for AT. (See &Mn and &Qn commands.)
AT commands are entered while the modem is in Command mode and
use the following format:
Where: X is the AT command and n is the specific value for
that command.
PRESS: Enter
Table 4-2 lists all AT commands supported by the Model 3830 modem.
The Async Dial factory default is listed in bold.