About This Guide
6300-A2-GB20-10 November 2003
Document Summary
A master glossary of terms and acronyms used in Paradyne documents is
available on the Web at www.paradyne.com. Select Library → Tech nical
Manuals → Technical Glossary.
Section Description
Chapter 1, Introduction to Hotwire
DSL Routers
Provides an overview of the Hotwire DSL Routers.
Chapter 2, Accessing the DSL
Describes the Hotwire DSL Routers access control
and provides instructions on how to log in and log
out of the system.
Chapter 3, Configuring the DSL
Describes the DSL router interfaces, Domain Types,
IP Routing, and network considerations.
Chapter 4, DSL Router
Configuration Examples
Presents several common DSL router configuration
Chapter 5, Monitoring the DSL
Describes operator programs that monitor the
Hotwire system.
Chapter 6, Diagnostics and
Describes common Hotwire operational problems
and solutions. Contains SysLog information.
Appendix A, Command Line
Provides explanation of the DSL router’s Command
Line Interface and command syntax with examples.
Appendix B, Configuration Defaults
and Command Line Shortcuts
Provides a list of all configuration options with
factory default settings and a list of all command line
shortcuts with the abbreviated command line input.
Appendix C, Traps and MIBs Summarizes the MIBs and SNMP traps supported
by the DSL routers.
Appendix D, DSL Router Terminal
Provides configuration setup procedures for two
common text file programs.
Appendix E, Firmware Upgrade Provides commands and procedures for performing
a firmware upgrade for the Hotwire 6351 ReachDSL
Router from the service domain.
Index Lists key terms, acronyms, concepts, and sections
in alphabetical order.