1-136800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
Figure 1-3. Sample Results – Form Circuit Loss Inbound (cli) Command
NMS provides several help features to assist you in command input and execution. Help is
available on all screens by selecting Help(F1). This function key displays a pop-up Help screen,
explaining the function keys and how to invoke the Help feature. On the 6800 Series NMS Task
menu, it defines the Task menu screen functions: Tasks, Windows, Logoff, Refresh, and NewMail.
Help features within the tasks can be accessed as follows:
In Menus
From the full-feature workstation, you can obtain general help for a task from within any menu by
selecting the ? icon on the task window title bar. From a basic-feature workstation, you can obtain
general help for a task by typing the key sequence ESC ?.
In Forms
All forms (both input and results) have associated form help text. Form help is accessed from a
full-feature workstation by selecting the ? icon on the task window title bar. From a basic-feature
workstation, type the key sequence ESC ?.
Form help includes a general description of the form currently displayed. The form help text for
input forms also includes general descriptions of how to enter input, how to access field help, and
the types of field help available (selectable menu vs. field help text).